Sunday, December 21, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Real Estate Outlook: Mortgage Applications Rise

Last week the Mortgage Bankers Association's national survey registered a record 37 percent jump in applications...
Read the entire article...
Ivie's Comments:
This is great news. More application mean there are more people looking to buy, out there. Of course, the lower interest rates are very enticing! With home prices coming down, it's a great time for people to get a good deal on a house. If they can get an even better deal with the interest rates, that should make for some new sales!
Gladwin County gets Hit with a Big Snow Storm Dec 9th
Saturday, December 06, 2008
2008 Parade of Lights

Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Fed plan seen as housing boon
Inman News
Anyone planning to buy or refinance a home with a conforming loan is soon likely to have more buying power thanks to a $600 billion government program to purchase mortgage-backed securities and debt issued by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Ginnie Mae.
The plan should keep interest rates on loans eligible for purchase by Fannie and Freddie down, even if the demand for mortgage-backed securities weakens with the slowdown in the global economy. That, in turn, should provide support for housing markets, supporters of the plan said.
Read the whole article...
Monday, November 24, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
From The Back Woods...

Monday, November 10, 2008
Remember this MONSTER Buck from the 2006 Firearm Deer Season?
Don't forget to visit my Michigan Outdoor Resource Page. Get your e-license, look at game charts, find out your deer's age and even participate in a hunting forum. I hope you find the information useful there.
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Accidental Photo-Op - Michigan Realtor Magazine

Purchase offers: How low is too low? (Inman News)

Inman News
Q: How low of an offer should I make on a 4-bedroom, 3-bath house in Atlanta listed at $300,000? It's not a short sale or an REO, but I searched the title records and found out that the owners paid only $90,000 for it about 10 years ago.
A: The answer to your question is, as with everything in real estate, "it depends." As you can probably already tell, you're not going to get a straight dollar amount answer from me. The decision of how much to offer on any particular property is, in my opinion, the single toughest decision a home buyer has to make once he or she has selected a property -- in fact, this is the single most frequently asked question I receive.
Get the Whole Story...
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Know the Details of the Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Fantastic Mr. Fox
Monday, October 20, 2008
SOLD!!! 10 Wooded Acres with Log Cabin

Washington Report: FHA Still Going Strong
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
851 Oren Court, Gladwin - Smallwood Lake SOLD!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
SOLD! Cute Blue Lake Access A Frame
Real Estate Outlook: Real Estate Market Defying Odds

The panic and fear that have been shaking Wall Street aren't translating into negative numbers for real estate -- in fact, it's been the reverse.
While the Dow Jones index peeled off a record fourteen hundred points in a matter of days, the latest pending home sales index was moving in the opposite direction -- up strongly to its highest level in more than a year.
Pending sales jumped by 7.4 percent in the latest month, according to the National Association of Realtors.
Read the Entire Article HERE...
Ivie's Comments:
This is a great article. Despite the weak economy and problems at Wall Street, real estate sales have increased nation wide.
The media is great at spewing out all the doom and gloom in our real estate market. Thank goodness there is some GOOD NEWS out there.
Here is another part of the article, of interest that I thought was interesting: "Also - although we keep hearing about the global credit squeeze and banks' unwillingness to lend money, that's definitely NOT the case in the mortgage market. There's plenty of money available - as long as you have a solid credit history and some downpayment cash".
I find this to be true, even though loans have still been tougher to get closed. The lenders are still making loans. They are just busy dotting their "I's" and crossing their "T's". However, the deals are still closing!
I have a friend who reviews appraisals for a mortgage company and she has told me that they have been extremely busy lately. She says that they are mostly processing FHA loans, right now... and things are BOOMING in their company.
Friday, October 10, 2008
One Year ARM Ticks Up As All Other Rates Fall

Are You A First Time Home Buyer?
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Swans on the Lake

Sunday, October 05, 2008
Bailout Will Help, but Pitfalls Remain
Friday October 3, 4:29 pm ET
By Rick Newman
The mammoth financial bailout plan is finally in place. But don't exhale just yet.
The $700 billion rescue bill that Congress finally passed will limit panic in the markets, since it gives the government vast new authority to take over sclerotic securities that have clogged the credit system and already brought down some of America's biggest companies. With the feds stepping into the bloodbath, the hemorrhaging should stop. But the economy is still in precarious shape, and unrealistic expectations about the bailout could end up disappointing consumers hoping for some kind of immediate relief.
Friday, October 03, 2008
Long-Term Mortgage Rates Barely Move this Week
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Google has it's on BROWSER now!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Real Estate Outlook: Predicting the Stock Market's Affect on Housing

But so far at least, Wall Street's troubles aren't creating immediate problems for home buyers, sellers and real estate professionals. In fact, conditions actually appear to be improving.
Read More......
Ivie's Article Review:
I like the last paragraph of this article: "So all in all, given the earthquakes underway in the financial system, things look surprisingly positive".
I agree.
This past year has been a great year for some fantastic buys. Granted, most of my sales have been waterfront cottages. The biggest thing is: PEOPLE ARE STILL BUYING! There are some great deals to be found.
As far as "off water" housing, this years statistics haven't been so optimistic. With all of the foreclosures in the area, competing with other home sales... it's been driving prices down. Investors are taking advantage of buying up many of these foreclosure homes, anticipating an upswing in the housing market, to come. Not only that, rental units are currently in high demand. Some local investors are buying foreclosed homes to fix up and rent.
Many predict that 2009 will be a better year. That’s good news! I feel that once the presidential elections are out of the way, people will get back to business as usual. Things will improve!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Viva Las Vegas!
We had a great time. However, believe it or not, WE DIDN'T Gamble! Honest truth! We were there for a convention.
Here I am with Elvis and the BRONZE GUY? What is he supposed to be, anyway?
Also, we just launched our Gladwin Real Estate FUN PAGE, for non-real estate related fun stuff. Here is the link: http://gladwinrealestatefunpage.blogspot.com
I'll post more fun stuff on there soon.
Washington Report: Snag for FHA Hope

Starting October 1, home owners who owe more on their mortgage than their property is worth may be able to qualify for new FHA "Hope" refinancings that cut their debt, lower their interest rates and help them start rebuilding equity.
Sounds like a great opportunity for hundreds of thousands of hard-pressed owners, but there's a huge potential snag: Their lenders and loan servicers have to agree to participate, and they may not.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
30-Year Fixed Rate Mortgage Rates Fall for Fifth Straight Week
Read more...........
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Gladwin County Sales Statistics
January 1st to August 15th, 2008
Total Residential Sales: 133 Units
Frame Built: 106
Manufactured: 20
Modular: 4
Condos: 3
Total Gross Amount Sold: $12,031,298
Average Sales Price: $90,460
Average Sq Ft: 1230
Total Residential Sales for Waterfront: 44
Total Gross Amount Sold: $6,306,288
Average Sales Price: $143,324
Average Sq Ft: 1282
Total Vacant Land Sales: 48 Units
Under 1 Acre: 18
1-9 Acres: 8
10 to 19 Acres: 9
20-39 Acres: 2
40-79 Acres: 4
80-99 Acres: 1
Over 100 Acres: 0
Total Gross Amount Sold: $2,003,918
Average Sales Price: $41,748
Total Land Sales for Waterfront: 10
Total Gross Amount Sold: $664,500
Average Sales Price: $66,450
Highest Price Sold: $120,000
Lowest Price Sols: $40,000
TOTAL GROSS SOLD: $14,035,216
Ivie's Stats
(Note: These are TOTAL Sales for Gladwin & Clare Counties. Above figures are only for Gladwin County)
Total Sales: 22
Gross Amount Sold: $2,343,288
Residential Units: 11
Land Units: 11
Clare County Residential: 162 Units
Residential Total: $8,666,962
Clare County Vacant: 31 Units
Vacant Land Total: $1,752,299
Total: $10,419,261
Saturday, August 09, 2008
SOLD!! Cute Lake Access Cottage at Blue Lake Estates
at Blue Lake Estates.
$89,888 SOLD!

Major Internet security flaw also affects e-mail
Opening allows criminals to intercept e-mails and redirect messages
By Jordan Robertson
LAS VEGAS - A newly discovered flaw in the Internet's core infrastructure not only permits hackers to force people to visit Web sites they didn't want to, it also allows them to intercept e-mail messages, the researcher who discovered the bug said Wednesday.
Considering the silent nature of the attack and the sensitive nature of a lot of electronic correspondence, the potential for damage from this second security flaw is high. But there's no evidence yet that this method of targeting e-mail has been used in a successful attack.
Dan Kaminsky of Seattle-based security consultant IOActive Inc. exposed a giant vulnerability in the Internet's design that, in one case, allowed hackers to reroute some computer users in Texas to a fake Google.com site loaded with automated advertisement-clicking programs, a scam to generate profits for the hackers from those clicks.
The flaw wasn't in the site itself, it was in the back-end machines responsible for guiding computers to that site.
The vulnerability Kaminsky found is especially insidious because it allows criminals to tamper with machines whose reliability and trustworthiness is critical for the Internet to function properly.
Kaminsky, who spoke Wednesday at the Black Hat hacker conference in Las Vegas, has given few details publicly about the vulnerability he found in the Domain Name System (DNS), a network of servers used to connect computers to Web sites.
He remained tightlipped so that Internet providers would have time to fix their machines. Many have done that, but others have delayed, leaving some people at risk.
Major vendors like Microsoft Corp., Cisco Systems Inc., Sun Microsystems Inc. and others have issued patches — software tweaks that cover the security hole and prevent affected machines from ingesting the bogus information hackers are trying to feed them.
"The industry has rallied like we've never seen the industry rally before," Kaminsky said.
Kaminsky's talk Wednesday at the conference was packed, with people sitting on the floor of the main speaker's hall and overflowing out the back doors. His presentation instantly became one of the Black Hat conference's most anticipated after he announced July 8 that he'd found a major weakness in DNS, a critical part of the Internet's plumbing.
While some details leaked out early — security researchers accurately guessed parts of Kaminsky's discovery — he was able to keep a few juicy bits secret until the talk.
One of those was the susceptibility of many e-mail servers to the DNS vulnerability, an opening that gives criminals a way to plant themselves in the middle of the transmission from the sender to the recipient and redirect messages to their own servers, Kaminsky said.
The result: criminals have a way not only to comb through the contents of those messages, but also to gain access to other password-protected Web sites the victims belong to.
That's because most sites have a feature that allows members to retrieve their passwords by e-mail if they've forgotten them. If a criminal has access to the account where that message is sent, he can then begin snooping on the contents of that account, from e-mail, to banking, to retailer sites.
The thrust of the DNS flaw is that it allows hackers to attach bad information to packets flowing in and out of DNS servers so they change the directions they give to certain Web sites.
It's the equivalent of turning around a street sign to send drivers down the wrong street.
So someone who innocently types in the address of a legitimate Web site can be strong-armed instead into going to a malicious site under the criminal's control. Because the attack happens at the network level, and the browser believes it's visiting the legitimate site, the attack is nearly impossible for users to detect.
Click for related content:
Gaping Internet security hole discovered
Reporters booted from conference for hacking
Many e-mail servers are vulnerable because they also handle DNS traffic, Kaminsky said. Even if they only handle internal inquiries, if they interact with external DNS servers, that's often enough to expose them to attack.
Hackers are thus able to manipulate the packets associated with e-mail traffic the same way they manipulate the packets associated with general Web traffic.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Does FSBO Work?
For Sale By Owner seems like a no-brainer. Put a sign out on your lawn, run a few ads in the paper or on the internet and voila, you have sold your home and made more money by not having to pay a commission. The reality is quite different. With FSBO, you are doing all the work of the entire process.
Realtors Bring in More Traffic
MLS stands for Multiple Listing Service. This is used by realtors to let each other know what real estate are available in any given area. Buyers prefer to use a realtor so that they can see the most options possible. When you sell it your self you are not listed on MLS. Therefore, it is difficult for prospective buyers to find your property as most depend on a realtor to help locate property, and agents depend on the MLS to find listings.
Read the entire article ----->
Friday, July 04, 2008
SOLD! 40 Acres with the Cedar River
Friday, June 27, 2008
When I get a new listing or have something interesting to mention, I will post a short comment to Twitter through my cell phone.
My Twitter Link is: http://twitter.com/iviebaker
Have fun with it!
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
My Public Calendar!
I now have a public calendar! This means that buyers and sellers and see what my schedule looks like. To view my calendar, visit http://gladwinrealestateagent.com/calendar
Click on the daily events to find out what times and days I am available for appointments.
Have a great day!
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Realty Times
This link is also posted on the right side of this blog. Check back often for new Real Estate News Updates.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Newborn Fawn in NW Gladwin County

This is where I left the little guy. He decided it was okay to snuggle down next to the log. I left and checked back about 1.5 hours later and he was gone. Mom came and took him to a safer location.
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
New Listing! Cute Cottage on Fantastic Fishing Lake!
Located at the end of a dead end road. Great fishing lake!
$97,888 (SOLD)